Mental Health

This subcategory will help people to understand some of the numerous mental health issues (some from different perspectives) and how to go about seeking help once they have a fuller understanding of what the mental health concern may mean in/to their lives. If, at any point, you are in mental distress, never hesitate to reach out or seek help.

Descartes Meditations

Descartes has been called as the first modern philosopher on top of introducing his high-brain math theories.  He is renowned for making an important connection between geometry and algebra that brought about the solutions to geometrical problems by way of algebraic equations.  He is also famous for promoting a new concept of matter which allowed […]

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A Grandiose Mind Trapped in Anger

When we have a grandiose personality type, then we are prone to anger outbursts. A person with grandiose thinking may believe that he or she was centered out from everyone else when he or she does not get his or her way. People with grandiosity attitudes will say things like, “That was a lousy idea.

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Building Trust: Asking Hard Questions

When it comes to learning to trust a partner and helping them learn to trust you, it’s important to ask hard questions. However, it’s also important to ask them at appropriate times. While it may be difficult to bring yourself to talk about certain things and you may hesitate to bring up topics that might

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The Evolution of the Sexual Revolution

As the world turns, so do our ever-changing cultures and mores. While today’s “Generation Z” is considered to be the most connected breed that ever walked this earth, thanks to the rapid mushrooming of electronic media devices, it does not discount the fact that today’s youth have been exposed to the sexual permissiveness of modern

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Bipolar or Manic Depression

Bipolar, or formerly manic depression, is a brain condition that is characterized by extreme changes in mood, thoughts, energy, and the ability to function. The symptoms of this condition that most people with depression experience are different from the usual ups and downs. They are more severe and can result in damage to careers, relationships,

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The Myths of Mental Illness

I pulled this information from the work of renowned Israeli psychiatrist, Schmuel (Sam) Vaknin, and added in my two cents. But, I’ve also said these things in my book and directly to clients and friends, alike. Mental health itself is as important as physical health but, as it relates to mood, all of it –

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